Gossip Girl is Back!

Get ready, because the 5th season of Gossip Girl premieres Monday! Are you ready for Serena, Blair, drama and fashion? We surely are! Tune in to the CW Monday at 8/7 central and watch the preview below!

ANTM All-stars Recap

Photo: CWtv.com

It was all about branding on America’s Next Top Model All-stars. The ladies received their ‘Tyra Makeovers’ with great enthusiasm before doing a shoot for the infamous Pink’s. Bree was not happy with her makeover, low cut sides and back, and threatened to leave because of it. Although Bree barely made it through eliminations, it was Sheena who found herself going home without the title for a second time. The judges felt she was not her brand, unexpected, in her photos. Catch a new episode every Wednesday on the CW and catch up on previous episodes here!

Milan Fashion Week

London fashion week wrapped up and while the celebs were fashionable sitting front row, the runways of Milan are in full swing! Check out some of our favorite looks so far below!



Gucci SS 12 RTW


Alverta Ferretti SS 12 RTW


Fendi SS 12 RTW

inHer GLAM on Tumblr

inHer GLAM is on Tumblr! Check out our random loves and thoughts throughout the week and if you tumble be sure to like and reblog the posts you like!

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