We live each day striving to be more that what we currently are and sometimes that leads to dissatisfaction, pain, heartache or any other bad or sad word you can associate with it.
It’s easy to see someone else where you want to be or get impatient because things aren’t moving at a quick enough pace; but sometimes it’s pushing through, finding your strengths and never giving up that gets you to the place you’ve been working to get to for a while.
I’m a pretty motivated person, but I too find myself questioning the path I’m on, if what I’m doing or where I’m trying to go is the right direction. Sometimes I’ll say “I give up!” But I get right back to doing what I need to do to get where I want to be. Here are a few tips to help you stay motivated and continue to push to who and where you want to be!
1) If you’re tired of doing the same thing, come up with new ideas!
- Sometimes we get caught up in routine and familiarity that when we get frustrated our first instinct is to throw in the towel. Don’t give up, sometimes that extra push is in a fresh idea. Write down your thoughts and ideas and then act on them. Working on something new helps break up stale patterns.
2) If someone is where you want to be, learn from them and see what they did to get where they are.
- Instead of harboring jealousy or becoming depressed, learn from those who are in a position you envision yourself being in. They have your answers! You can’t learn from someone who hasn’t traveled the path you want to follow. They have experience, they made mistakes, their journey is your secret road map. Set aside your pride and let their motivation be a sort of motivation for yourself. If they did it, you can too!
3) Create a space for creativity.
- Where you work and what you surround yourself with effects the outcome of your actions.
If you want a creative fun outcome, create in a fun and creative space. Don’t box yourself in. Surround your self with pictures, quotes, fabrics, colors; whatever you need that reminds and motivates you to get the job done. As comfortable as your bed may seem, it only motivates sleep.
4) When all else fails, keep moving.
- A journey means sometimes you’ll face failure. Keep moving. Don’t give up, because your destiny, your dream could’ve been achieved after surpassing that final roadblock, that final no that you gave up on. Don’t give up, keep moving!
What are some things you do to stay motivated? Chime in below, and as always, on Facebook and Twitter!
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