As we head into the summer season, this is around the time that I like to do a sort of body detox. I’m sure most of us have heard of and even tried various cleanses with positive and negative results. This cleanse that I like to embark on is fairly simple to follow and not so hardcore. I am in no way a health professional, but I thought I’d share what I’ll be eating this week.

I call it just a plain old fruit and veggies cleanse. It’s pretty self explanatory. For the next week I will consume only fruits and vegetables. Check out the list below for the exact list of foods I plan to consume. Now there are two levels, the straight fruits and veggies only or the option of having one normal meal (exclusive of junk food, high calories, etc. think light) per day. I will do the straight fruits and veggies with meals consisting of salads (mostly) and snacks (celery sticks, apple slices, etc.).

The List:

Celery sticks
Gala apples
Mixed greens
Cherry tomatoes
(more added as the week goes on)

If you have health or diet concerns, please consult your physician. Since I’m used to this sort of “cleanse” so I can make it a week on only fresh fruits and veggies. I kick off the week with 12 oz of straight cranberry juice and then it’s pretty much what I mentioned earlier. Just wanted to share what my eating plan for the week was. Keep up with how I’m doing all week long by following us on Twitter! If you partake in the cleanse or have tried one before, tell us about your experiences below!

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