SPOILER ALERT! (stop reading if you don’t want to know what happens in this episode)
It was an emotional second episode for sure. Between the tears, the anger and the confusion I was totally here for the direction this episode went. Here’s your recap below!

Oliver tells Laurel that he’s going to find who killed Sara and Laurel insists that she’s going to help. He tells her that she needs to take care of herself and her family. Laurel doesn’t want to tell her father yet and thinks that they should wait until they catch whoever the killer is.
During the flashbacks, Waller has given Oliver a target and he begrudgingly follows but stops himself from shooting when he realizes the target is Tommy. He wants to know why his target is his best friend. He finds out that it’s a test and that Tommy is there looking for him even though he’s presumed dead because when Oliver logged into his email it set off an alert. Waller doesn’t want Oliver’s true status know and wants Tommy off of his trail.
Oliver wants to find another way to get Waller what she wants but Helper guy (I can’t remember his name) tells him that the only other way would involve her getting someone else to execute Tommy. Tommy gets injected with a needle and passes out. He’s taken to an unidentified location and Oliver is there in disguise. He tells him that he was the one who hacked into Oliver’s email because he knew someone would show up. He tells Tommy that he, the son of millionaire Malcolm Merlin, will make him a rich man. Helper guy shows up disguised as police and “rescues” Tommy telling him that he’s safe and can go home now.
Oliver is trying to get in touch with Thea and leaves her a voice mail asking her to please call him. Felicity tells him that there was nothing on the surveillance footage so Oliver goes to the scene of the crime.While there Diggle shows up to check on Oliver to make sure he’s okay. Oliver wants to push through and find the killer but Diggle tells him that he doesn’t have to do this right now. Oliver insists and Diggle tells him that Sara was his friend too so he’s not going to find the killer on his own.
Detective Lance summons Arrow and Oliver goes to see what he needs. Quentin tells him that there’s another archer killing people and Oliver goes to try to find out who it is. While expecting Sara’s body Felicity expresses her feeling for her about how she thought she was so strong but she was secretly jealous of her.
Oliver doesn’t think the archer is apart of the League of Assassins. They find out that the archer hit again so Oliver tasks everyone out.
Felicity catches Roy searching FBI databases looking for Thea. He tells her that he doesn’t think that she’s where she says she is. Felicity thinks he should tell Oliver but he’s afraid that Oliver will blame him for Thea leaving. Felicity gets a message from Ray Palmer and confronts him at Queens Consolidated. Ray purchased the holding company that owns the tech store that Felicity works at. Felicity decides to quit after he says she can either work at the store or at the office. He tells her that she’s not angry at him, but that something else is going on. He tells her that he’s there to talk and he’s sorry for whatever happened but it’ll get better.
Oliver goes to the place where the Archer’s last victim was. He uses brutal force on a witness to get more information about the archer. At Argus Diggle finds out that the only masked person in the database is Simon Lacroix. Felicity tracks him down by his phone and Oliver goes after him. Laurel shows up at the lair during the chase and Felicity pulls up a feed using the street cameras. They go toe for toe on their motorcycles and Oliver disables his bike but Lacroix hits him with an arrow before escaping on his bike which doesn’t make Laurel happy.
Oliver thinks that they can track him down by finding out what his victim’s connections are. Laurel goes to the hospital to question Lacroix’s second victim. Meanwhile, Oliver is frustrated with the process of trying to find Sara’s killer and takes it out on Felicity telling her she needs to be on her A game. She breaks down telling him that they just lost their friend who’s in a freezer because they don’t know what to do with her body. She asks him how he can be cold and rational and he tells her that he doesn’t have the luxury because everyone is looking to him to make decisions, to lead.
She tells him that he’s still human and he’s allowed to have feelings. He tells her that while looking at Sara he realized that one day that’s going to be him because the life that he chose only leads to one thing. Felicity tells him that she’s not going to wait with him because she learned that life is precious and she wants more than this.
Laurel doesn’t go easy on the guy and uses brutal force to get answers from him… while he’s in his hospital bed with a broken arm. He tells her that the other two men who died, they were working on a secretive deal that no one was supposed to know about. As he’s explaining it to her he’s shot in the chest with an arrow. Laurel goes to the window and sees Lacroix on a roof of a neighboring building.
Oliver tries to call Thea again while Roy silently listens to him leave her another message. Diggle walks in and asks where Felicity is, Oliver tells him that she needed air. He then asks Oliver what he needs and he tells him that he just needs Thea to call him back. Roy decides to give Oliver Thea’s letter and apologizes for not telling him sooner… Oliver just says okay.
Detective Lance shows up at the hospital and asks Laurel how she’s feeling. She tells him that she’s fine so he drills into her for the truth as to why she was at the hospital in the first place. She tells him that she just wanted to help and he tells her she doesn’t need to take such risks, Sara’s got it covered for the both of them and to go home.
Laurel goes to the lair and gives them the information about Ameritech Industries and Felicity finds out how much money was distributed to Lacroix’s victims. They still don’t understand how Sara is involved and Felicity tells them that she once told her that she worked in Kuraq killing people for the league. They find the person who authorized the payments, Tom Weston, and suspect he’s the next target. Laurel insists that she goes with Oliver but he tells her that she needs to cool it. She thinks he’s going to miss Lacroix again but he promises he won’t.
During Ray Palmer’s ‘The Pledge’ event he pledges to give half of his net worth to the city and his salary for the year will be one dollar. As he’s leaving the podium Lacroix bursts through the window and starts shooting arrows at Tom Weston. Oliver and Roy show up and start fighting Lacroix who escapes through the window to a few floors down. Oliver follows and Lacroix confronts him. Oliver tells him to lower his bow if he wants to live. Of course he doesn’t and it’s an arrow fight. Oliver pins him with an arrow and pulls off his mask asking him who hired him but Laurel sows up with her gun.
Oliver asks her if she really wants to kill him and she starts going off about Sara. Lacroix asks who is Sara and Laurel tells him that he killed her two nights ago. He denies it and tells her that he was drunk in another city two nights ago. Laurel refuses to believe him or listen to Oliver who tries to get her to put the gun down. She pulls the trigger but it doesn’t fire because Oliver had removed the bullets and he grabs her to leave.
Back at the lair he tells her that Lacroix’s alibi checks out. Oliver promises that he will find out who killed Sara but that at the moment her father deserves to know about her death. Laurel goes to the precinct to tell him about Sara but is interrupted by his pill alarm. She sees that knocked over photo of her and Sara and decides against telling him the truth.
Oliver and crew decide to bury Sara in her grave from when she was presumed dead following the boat accident. Laurel doesn’t think it’s fair that she doesn’t get a new grave or that no one will know who she really is, but Oliver believes she deserves a proper burial. Diggle tells Laurel that he and Lyla have decided to name their bury Sara so people will know who she was and what she meant to them.
At the lair Diggle tells Oliver that until he finds Sara’s killer he’s back on the team. Oliver asks him about his family and he tells him that Sara was family. He asks Oliver what’s next and he tells him that he has to go get Thea because it’s time that she came home. Diggle turns to leave but Oliver calls after him and tells him that he doesn’t want to die down here (in the lair) and Diggle tells him don’t.
We get a montage of where everyone is currently at, including Felicity who sows up at Queens Consolidated to work for Roy because she’s decided that she wants more out of life.
We end in Corto Maltese where we see unidentified people fighting. Someone starts clapping and it’s Malcolm Merlyn clapping for Thea who took down her opponents. He tells her well done and she says thanks Dad.
Some takeaways…
– I’m not going to lie, I got a little teary eyed during the scene when they walk down to find Laurel with Sara’s body and her eyes are still open… I can’t even imagine. I loved the love that everyone expressed during this episode for Sara, it was well done and it honored Sara as not just a badass fighter but as a friend.
– I’m excited to see Thea get into action this season. We need another badass female fighter and I don’t think we’re going to see Laurel take over as Black Canary until the second half of the season at the earliest.
– It was great to see Tommy since we haven’t seen him since the first season. Not going to lie I almost didn’t recognize him. Hopefully will see him in future flashbacks.
– I have to geek out a little bit on the Oliver and Roy tag team that they did on Lacroix. It was so fluid and y’all know my favorite parts of this series are the fight scenes. Don’t get me started on the scene with Oliver and Lacroix during their final fight scene. When Oliver caught that arrow almost threw my shoe at the screen. I totally look forward to more kickass fight scenes throughout the season!
– So my prediction surrounding Sara’s death was totally wrong. Now I’m thinking that the shooter may possibly be Ra’s al Ghul… or Malcolm Merlyn but I think the latter is a stretch. It’s someone that Oliver isn’t going to expect and I’m placing a lot of eggs in the former’s basket.
Photos: The CW
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