SPOILER ALERT! (stop reading if you don’t want to know what happens in this episode)

This totally feels like a final season. It could just be me, but you can totally let me know what you think after reading the recap below!

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Emily hosts Nolan and Louise’s wedding reception at Grayson Manor. Jack and Ben have been getting a lot of praise for killing Alvarez’s killer and rescuing the hostages. The mayor wants to present them with medals but Jack has been avoiding the press. Marguax is still on mission Take Down Emily but Victoria tries to warn her once again to move forward and not try to take on Emily, but she’s persistent.

Lyman brings Louise a the police report from the night her father passed and tells her she killed him and she needs to sign the annulment. David gives Emily a present for her real birthday and tells her that since he’s now able to live in the open he wants to do the same for her so that she can come out as Amanda Clarke. They don’t realize that Marguax has someone watching them and uses the photos to create a story that she’s David’s new love interest in the tabloids.

Victoria is trying to start a foundation in Daniel’s name but some of the women in a women’s group she meets with think it may not be a good idea. At the meeting she meets Natalie Waters who’s new to the Hamptons and looks to be a possible new rival for Victoria. Louise wants to cancel the reception and tells Nolan about her mother telling her that she killed her father. She explains the police report but that she doesn’t remember that night and her mother is threatening to tell the world if she doesn’t sign the conservator-ship back to her. Nolan doesn’t believe she killed her father and promises to get some answers.

Emily confronts Marguax about the story on her and David and Marguax tries to play like she had no control over it. Emily threatens to expose her father’s secrets if she tries to come after her and Marguax tells her she’ll back off. Emily tells her to worry about her empire while she worries about herself. After Emily leaves Marguax’s “private investigator” walks in and she tells him to get her something more useful, something that will tarnish Emily’s name.

Emily meets with Ben and he tells her what’s been going on with Jack. She asks him for impartial advice about her father wanting her to become Amanda Clarke again. She tells him that she never intended to be Amanda again, that she planned to disappear. As they start connecting she gets a text from Nolan asking her to come over and he tells her that he’s around if she needs him.

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Jack goes to the beach house and talks to David about if he should accept the medal at the ceremony because he’s struggling with the fact that he took someone’s life. David tells him that he saved both his and Emily’s life, that he’s a hero. Over at Nolan’s place, Emily uses a Japanese technique on Louise to help her remember what happened the night her father died. She remembers what happened that night and tells them that she didn’t kill her father.

Emily goes to see Jack to check up on him and he tells her that he’s the one who has to live with what he’s done– they killed a FBI agent and lied about it. He asks her if she’s just there to make sure he won’t tell the press and she tells him she’s not before he rushes to leave for the ceremony. At the wedding reception, Louise has ran away leaving a note for Nolan telling him that she killed her father. Nolan and Emily track where she is and Emily goes to get her.

Victoria confronts the women about not showing up at the art gallery the night before since only Natalie showed up telling her that she’s not as powerful anymore. Victoria uses the secrets that she has on the women over them to make sure that they support the Daniel Grayson foundation.

Emily goes to the psychiatric center where Louise is hiding out to get her to come back with her. She gives her Nolan’s wedding gift which is the real police report because the one she had was forged. She tells her that her mother had it created to use it against her convincing her to return to the reception with her. Back at the party Jack tells Marguax that Daniel died a hero and he’s sorry the world couldn’t know. He also tells her that he resigned from the police force. She thanks him and they share a drink toasting to her child.

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Louise finally makes an appearance at her reception and tells her mother that she remembers what happened the night her father died. Her father found out she was cheating on him with Judge Miller (who’s at the reception) and she pushed him down the stairs killing him. She tells her that no one will believe her since it’s in the police report and Louise shows her the real police report. Louise tells her to go back to Georgia and if she ever leaves there’s a bed waiting for her at the psychiatric center.

Sharing a dance, Emily tells David that she can’t just go back to being Amanda Clarke and telling the world would uproot everyone’s life. Lyman tells Louise that he had no idea about what they’re mother did and she tells him that she’s cutting him and his campaign off from her money. Natalie goes to Victoria to apologize but she tells her that everyone has secrets and eventually she’ll find out hers.

Marguax’s PI shows her video of Jack and Emily talking about killing Kate and tells her this is her smoking gun and she can use it to take them both down since they’re in on it together. Meanwhile, Emily goes to Ben’s house and kisses him just as Jack walks up the hill and sees them.

Some takeaways…

– So this is the final season right? I mean, these storylines are wrapping up super quick. Louise’s little side story seems to be done and they’re trying to push the Victoria versus Natalie thing. I mean the only storyline we really have left is the Marguax one… and y’all know how I feel about that storyline.

Revenge is going on hiatus and won’t return until March 8. Until then, let me know what you think about the season in the comments!

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