SPOILER ALERT! (stop reading if you don’t want to know what happens in this episode)
After a long hiatus we’re back! We’ve got confessions of love, new storylines and a game of cat and mouse. It was an interesting episode is all I’ll say. Read the recap and more of my thoughts below!

Margaux meets with Victoria who reveals that Daniel’s great grandfather Edward passed and she’ll find out what he left her at the will reading since he was so fond of her. Margaux meets with her PI and finds out about Emily being with Ben and wants him to find out everything he can about him while she plans to leak the video of her and Jack. Simone, Nolan’s insider, tells him about Margaux’s plans to leak the video and he tells her to do whatever she can to stop it meaning he’ll have to postpone his honeymoon with Louise.
At the will reading Victoria finds out she’s only inheriting Edward’s corgis and his wife is being left his inheritance. Enter his wife: Natalie. She married him four months prior to his death and she reveals that she came to see if Victoria would be nice to her but she proved to be vicious. She tells her that Edward had reached out to her after Conrad died but he couldn’t find her and Victoria tells her that she reached out to him after Daniel’s death but Natalie blocked her calls.
Nolan shows Emily the footage that Margaux had and they have to try to hack it before the video leaks and it ruins Jack. At Margaux’s building she believes someone hacked into her system and the people investigating it believe it’s an inside job. Meanwhile, Jack is reminiscing on the beach when he runs into David who doesn’t know what his next steps should be. They both reminisce and Jack goes to talk to Emily. Before he can tell her anything she tells him about the footage that Margaux has.

Jack meets with Margaux, with Carl in tow, and apologizes about how things went after they broke up and tells her that he’s there for her when she needs him. He tells her about how every decision he makes is about how it will affect Carl telling her she’ll experience it soon. Margaux returns to her car where Simone is and we find out that this entire thing is a setup and the FBI will be waiting for Emily when they break into the office. Louise tells Nolan that she’ll have divorce papers drawn to set him free and Nolan tells her that his not going on their honeymoon is because he’s working with Emily and they’re like “superheroes”. He tells her that they’re on a merciful malice mission and she offers her help.

At the health club, Natalie is served papers about the will being contested and confronts Victoria in front of everyone making her look like a vicious, money hungry person. Natalie leaves and runs into David on his new boat. He thanks her and he asks her about being a Grayson. She tells him that her beef is with Victoria and he asks her to join him on the boat to watch the game. Meanwhile Lyman confronts Victoria about riling Natalie up and she tells him that that was apart of her plan to direct the narrative and they can dismantle her sob story.
Margaux confronts Ben in the parking lot threatening to tell Emily about his ex-wife if he doesn’t do everything she says. At Grayson Manor, Emily tells Jack that he’s in the clear and he takes this time to confess his undying love for Emily. He tells her it’s always been her and she tells him that things between them are messy but he tells her life is messy and you find a way. She tells him that she cares about him but she can’t and he tells her that he’s not going to wait around before leaving with them both shedding tears.
Some takeaways…
– I mean, finally! Jack tells Emily how he really feels only to be shut down. I’m glad Jack told her that he’s not going to wait around for her because I feel like Emily slight strung him along. Let’s be serious for a minute, if she had ran into his arms that would’ve been the end of the series but we have a few episodes to go until the series finale.
– I still do not like Margaux and it looks like the red sharpie is back which means we’ll probably be rid of her soon… or at least by the time we wrap up. She just too freaking desperate, irritating and laughable. I just can’t take her seriously and I’m going on record to say that she is the worst character of the entire series.
– This whole Nolan and Louise thing… eh whatevs. I just feel like they wanted to keep her character around so they made a pretty dumb storyline and she’s just hanging out. She was helpful tonight but I feel like she’s only going to get in the way.
– Bringing Natalie in gives Victoria something to do but I honestly don’t care about this storyline. I saw that whole David and Natalie storyline coming from a mile away and it’s a bit ridiculous.