SPOILER ALERT! (stop reading if you don’t want to know what happens in this episode)
Rowan is running around scared, Jake is on a “Liv Truth tour” and Cyrus just can’t seem to win this season. I’ve got the recap plus my thoughts below!

We open with Olivia in handcuffs being confronted by Fitz. We go back 48 hours and Fitz is hosting President Razani of Bandar while he’s visiting to negotiate U.S.-Bandar Nuclear Treaty when his translator Navid pulls Liv aside and tells her he wants to ask the United States for asylum.
Cyrus wants to look into how Rowan got out of jail but Fitz tells him it’s being handled. He tells Abby the game has changed and he’s going to David. He tells David that Rowan is out and he tells him that they need to do everything within their power to make sure Rowan is locked back up.
Mellie calls Liv for her to act on her part of the deal and if she doesn’t she’s going to tell Fitz what she did. On her way into her office she gets intercepted by Rowan and tells her that someone else has taken his place and they are far more dangerous. He tells her that she should be afraid because he is afraid then tells her that if he dies he’s given her everything she needs to survive. He tells her he takes pride in who she’s become then leaves.
OPA looks into Navid’s past and come to the conclusion that he may be someone who just wants to get out. They slip Navid a pill and in the hospital he tells Liv that Razani has a secret location where he thinks he could be holding nuclear weapons. Fitz tells VP Susan to pretty much put her foot in her mouth so that they can by some more time.
Liv calls Jake and tells him what Rowan told her but Jake isn’t having any of it and pretty much calls her an idiot. He ends by telling her that if she wants to talk to someone talk to Fitz; she can’t ride him anymore (Jake ain’t playing with Liv no more!). She comes to a realization and tells him that she was supposed to choose him when he pushed her to go to Fitz. Jake comes right back and tells her that she was supposed to be too good for him but then he realized he was too good for her. He then tells her she needs to tell Fitz she let Rowan out and she tells him she plans to when they’re interrupted by Fitz.
Abby tells Liv she needs to tell Fitz about what she did and lets her know that Cyrus went to David and he’s going to find out soon. Liv tells her that when she tells him they’re going to be done for good. Quinn calls Liv and tells her that the location Navid gave them was false and she goes to him and tells him his asylum has been denied. He tries to tell her everything he said was true but she doesn’t budge.

At OPA Marcus and Quinn are at odds about Navid when Huck realizes the trucks in front of the building haven’t moved. They tell Liv that Navid wasn’t lying and something is being kept cool inside. Liv calls Abby to stop Fitz from signing the deal as they’re in the middle of signing. She whispers in his ear tat Navid was telling the truth and he caps his pen. Liv runs to the hospital and finds Navid in the bathroom bleeding out from slitting his wrists.
Once he’s stabilized she tells him that they tried to contact a family member but was only able to track a number to a guy. He tells her that they do horrible things to gay people or anyone born differently and she apologizes for not believing him.
David takes a file to Cyrus that says Olivia is the one behind helping Rowan escape. The FBI arrests her and David tells Cyrus he might want to be the one to tell Fitz. Fitz goes to see Liv and tells her that he knows she wouldn’t let Rowan out. He tells her he’s going to find out what happened and clear her name but she tells him she did indeed do it, among other things, that we don’t hear thanks to the dramatic overlay of music and tears.
Cyrus goes to Fitz and tells him his plans but Fitz stops him and tells him to get her released and the charges dropped. He tells him that she told him someone is trying to kill her father. Cyrus doesn’t believe he believes her but he shows him the intel on the hidden facility and Liv’s gut was right so he trusts her gut. Cyrus tries to protest, even throws in that Rowan killed his son, but he tells him he forgave Cyrus so that’s that.
Jake calls Fitz and tells hi he has Rowan’s location and he goes to kill him but he finds Tom shot on the ground. Fitz tells LIv that he called Jake off and he’s just going to bring him in but she asks him why all of her stuff is there. He tells her that she’s going to live in the White House because it’s now her home where she’ll be safe and protected. Come to find out, Huck snatched up Rowan.
Some takeaways…
- That entire final scene between Liv and Fitz was creepy. I would’ve been on the first thing smoking because it just had that Stepford Wives/Pleasantville feel and I don’t do that.
- So David and Lizzie is still a thing… yup.
- I am hear for every ounce of Jake this season. He is not holding anything back and he continues to read Liv every single episode. I absolutely love it.
- So Huck has gone off the deep end again. Seeing as this is Huck this could go one of two ways and I don’t think it’s going to end pretty.
Do you think Huck will actually kill Rowan? Let me know below and on Twitter!