SPOILER ALERT! (stop reading if you don’t want to know what happens in this episode)
Fitz is running around the White House like he’s Hugh Hefner, Liv is on a stalking mission and Cyrus is being the Cyrus that we’ve all grown to love-hate. It all builds up to a sort of shocking but very weird conclusion. The recap is below!

Mellie wants to know what her next move is in terms of Susan Ross running. Olivia tells her that Fitz needs to sit this one out and not make a pick for president.
Fitz is having too much fun being single having a literal revolving door of women in and out of the White House. Abby has gotten the procedure tightened all the way up making sure every girl signs a non disclosure agreement. Cyrus meets with Governor Francisco Vargas who is adamant about getting home to get his education bill passed. Cyrus tells him that he needs to use his new platform to talk about what he’s trying to do. He even offers to get him in to talk to Fitz about the education bill.
Abby calls Liv and crew to deal with an incident involving the Secret Service. They arrive at the hotel room and find a dead girl. Things got a little out of control when the two invited hookers started dancing. Megan fell and hit her head on the glass table but the men believe she was dead before she fell. Erin admits to the team that she did have a drug problem. Quinn hands out orders telling the men and the remaining hooker Erin to leave because they were never there. They clean up the hotel room and put the room’s reservation under Megan’s name.
Liv has been stalking Jake on his dates and Abby tells her she needs to stop. She tells her that he killed a woman for her position and she believes he’s up to something.
David is in VP Susan’s ear telling her she needs to get the president to back her but she tells him she didn’t plan to ask him. Cyrus sets up the meeting between Fitz and Vargas telling Fitz one thing so that when they meet Fitz is a complete jackass. This riles Vargas up and he goes to Cyrus asking him to set up an interview with Sally Langston.
The next day Marcus asks Quinn and Huck if it’s possible that the agents lied about what happened to Megan. He tells them about how the phone was wiped when he went to wipe it but Quinn wants him to drop it because she believes the job is done. Marcus gets an autopsy report and it shows that the drugs went into her system after she injured her head. Liv, Huck and Quinn tells him to drop it because the case is closed.
Vargas goes on Sally’s show and she’s convinced he would make a good presidential candidate. He quickly shuts down any candidacy talks and Cyrus has Tom look into why he doesn’t want to run. Abby tells Fitz they need to get ahead of what Vargas has been saying in the media and proposes they put VP Susan on Sally’s show. After some reassurance from David she goes on the show and tells America that Vargas bill is a dud.
Mellie goes to drop Teddy off to Fitz and wants to talk to him but they’re interrupted by one of his many mistresses. Mellie snatches Teddy up real quick and tells him that he will not parade his women around their son. Mellie vents this information back to Liv and she goes back to the team and has them get more evidence that Megan’s death wasn’t an accident.
After finding out from Tom that Vargas daughter has cancer, Cyrus tells him that he should go home and be with his family. He shares a story about an accident his brother had been in and how he changed his education plans to stay close to his family. His brother made the decision for him and made his only option Harvard because he didn’t want him to change his dreams because of him.

Quinn and Marcus met with Erin and ask her what really happened but she tells them she’s not going to snitch. They tell her that Megan didn’t die immediately and she tells them that when the agents decided not to pay things turned physical. She hit her head and they pumped her body with drugs. Abby tells her that the agents are her clients and she shouldn’t be creating more problems but Liv tells her that she’s her client and asks her what she wants to do about it.
Liv meets with Fitz and tells him about the agents involvement in Megan’s death. Fitz wants to know why he wasn’t notified and she tells him she’s been busy with other tasks, mainly his personal tasks. Fitz believes their meeting is really about his relationships and asks her if she and Mellie are working together. Liv tells him that’s not why she came and Fitz dismisses her. She tells him she can make it go away and is about to tell him how but he tells her she doesn’t get to tell him what to do anymore. She tells him that his agents are taking their clues from him; he’s letting things get out of hand and his “boys” are following suit. He’s not setting a good example for his agents or his son. She compares him to his father and asks him if that who he is now. She tells him she doesn’t care what he does in his spare time but he needs to ask himself if this is who he really wants to be.
Fitz calls in VP Susan and asks her what her honest thoughts are about Vargas education bill. She tells him she really likes his bill and he asks here why she said otherwise. She tells him everyone else was telling her to and he tells her to never lie to the American people again. He then tells her that he endorses her for president. She tells him that she’s not sure she wants his endorsement due to his recent activities and he tell h er he understands but he’s going to work to be the man she wants an endorsement from.
He then holds a press conference announce the termination and arrest of the agents who covered up Megan’s death. Meanwhile, Cyrus apologizes to Vargas for talking his ear off about his personal problems the previous night. Vargas asks him to be his campaign manager and reveals that his daughter has cancer. He tells him that he believes she’s going to have a long life and he plans on be with her but he’s also going to run for president.
Liv stops by Rowan’s for dinner to find Jake there with his girlfriend Vanessa. She finds out that Jake and Vanessa are engaged to be married
Some takeaways…
- I really like that Marcus is at OPA. While I love the cover ups and the fast paced monologues, it’s good to see the team doing actual good.
- I’m with Liv, I think Jake is up to something and Rowan is right along with him. Jake is just slowly and painfully breaking my heart each episode. I don’t know what he’s up to but whatever it is I don’t see him actually marrying Vanessa.
- I enjoyed seeing Mellie and Liv get Fitz together. Anytime anyone gets him together I’m all for it. I’m also glad that when he and Liv came face to face it wasn’t some dramatic love pull thing.
- I’m still really loving Cyrus this back end of the season. He’s so manipulative and calculating and it’s hard not to secretly want him to win. That combined with the shitty way Fitz has been treating him I’m all for him stepping out behind someone else. Fitz time in the White House is just about over anyway.
Do you think Jake and Rowan are up to something and will Jake really marry Vanessa? Let me know below and on Twitter!
Photos: ABC