SPOILER ALERT! (stop reading if you don’t want to know what happens in this episode)
It was all about trusting your team on this episode of Arrow. Oliver struggles with trusting his new team while his political career takes a hit in the press. Check out the recap below!

Oliver finds out that the recruits were actually murders and Anatoly tells him that he needs a Bratva army to defeat Korva.
It’s all about trust
The new team is still training surveying Oliver from the inside while he’s out in the field. Oliver confiscates the drug Stardust off of the assailant and has Felicity pinpoint where it was manufactured. Rene and Evelyn go rouge and go on their own recon mission to where he believes the drugs are being manufactured. Once he confirms it is he decides to attack instead of going back and telling Oliver. They end up killing the dealer. Oliver finds out from his new district attorney that the dealer, Samson, was killed buy a vigilante in a hockey mask.
Oliver goes off on Rene for messing up the DA’s plan. He tells him that he needs to be able to trust him and if he can’t he shouldn’t be there.The dealer ends up not dead in the sense that he can no longer feel pain. Oliver answers a 911 call and tries to stop him but has to abort. Felicity and Curtis work on finding something to reverse the effects of the drug. Rene wants to help and the rest of the team insist Oliver let them.
Oliver is getting bad press because Thea picked Quentin as his Deputy Mayor. He tells her she needs to clean it up. Thea goes and talks to the reporter who’s been spreading the worse of the news and asks her to retract the story. She tells her that she hired Quentin without Oliver’s consent. Instead she spins it and makes Oliver look even worse saying that he has no idea what’s going on in his own office. Thea decides to release a statement and hand in her letter of resignation.
After a much needed talk with Felicity Oliver gets the team and tells Rene that he should’ve trusted him. Felicity finds out what Samson is up to and the come to the conclusion that he’s trying to create super soldiers. He tells the team that he’s going need all of them in the field. The team works well together taking down Samson’s guys, destroying his super soldier concoction and stopping Samson.
Oliver holds a press conference and lets everyone know that every decision that comes out of his administration is his decision. He announces that Quentin is his Deputy Mayor and Thea not so subtly threatens the news reporter. The team is officially shown the bunker and Felicity tells Rory that she was the one who redirected the missile to Haven Rock. Lyla shows up and tells Oliver that Diggle is in prison and she needs him to break him out.
Some takeaways…
- Can I just comment on how I love that we have both Felicity and Curtis, more Curtis, for our comedic moments.
- We didn’t learn much, if anything, from the flashback. At least we know this is the last year of them so we’ll get some type of conclusion.
- So, Diggle is clearly losing his mind and still blames himself for Andy’s death. Thankfully Lyla was thinking what we all was thinking and he’s hopefully going to be saved.
- I feel like this is the season of truth. Everyone is playing their closest card and I’m okay with it. I’m glad we didn’t drag out Felicity telling Rory about Haven Rock or even Oliver revealing himself to the team. Letting all of that out lets us get to the juicy parts of the season and steer clear of too many filler episodes.
- Also, f- you Barry Allen for once again screwing up the timeline. How are they just going to change Diggle’s baby from Sara to a boy. I’ve already talked about my issues with Barry going back in time and f-n things up on my podcast. Now that we know what the aftermath is of Flashpoint and that it leaked into arrow I’m not happy about it.
I think I’ve said plenty. Are you still liking the new Team Arrow? Will the team be able to break Diggle out of prison. Let me know below and on Twitter.