I don’t know about you but I’ve never been more excited about the end of a season of television than I was for HBO’s The Undoing. Boy was it an emotionally, unstable roller coaster ride that I had no qualms about getting off.

By the start of episode six Grace even had me second guessing myself and I’m generally pretty good at dissecting these things. It’s a lot to discuss and I get into the three possible outcomes there could’ve been in this episode. Check it out and let me know who you thought did it on Instagram and Twitter.

Listen Now – Big Little Lies (Season 2)

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Currently Binging is a biweekly podcast hosted by Eva London. Each episode she discusses her thoughts on the many television shows and movies she’s currently watching. Whether it’s an episode about a show she’s recently binged or the latest installment in one of her favorite movie franchises; expect to hear her honest, witty and sometimes insightful opinion.