Spider-Man: Far From Home

Phase three of the Marvel Cinematic Universe has officially closed with the release of Spider-Man: Far From Home. Starring Tom Holland as our titular character we watch him deal with the aftermath of Avengers: Endgame. I’m discussing my thoughts on the movie, the future of Spider-Man and the MCU and so much more on this episode.

Is this how you saw phase four ending? What do you want to see in the future from the MCU? Let me know on Instagram and Twitter!

INSTAGRAM: instagram.com/currentlybinging
TWITTER: twitter.com/currentbinge
SHOW NOTES: inherglam.com/category/currently-binging

Avengers: Endgame

Avengers: Endgame has finally arrived and boy did it come with an Earth shattering crash. This was the final showdown we’ve all been waiting for and boy did it deliver. This movie was three hours long so you know I have a lot to say. Check out the episode and let me know what you thought of Endgame on Instagram and Twitter.

INSTAGRAM: instagram.com/currentlybinging
TWITTER: twitter.com/currentbinge
SHOW NOTES: inherglam.com/category/currently-binging

Captain Marvel

On this episode of Currently Binging I’m discussing the 21st entry into the MCU. That’s right we’re discussing Captain Marvel and I’ve got quite a few things to say. This definitely wasn’t a perfect movie but don’t let the internet trolls fool you. There’s still some gold to be harvested from this movie. What did you think of Captain Marvel? Did Brie Larson do Carol Danvers justice? Let me know on Instagram and Twitter!

INSTAGRAM: instagram.com/currentlybinging
TWITTER: twitter.com/currentbinge
SHOW NOTES: inherglam.com/category/currently-binging


On this episode I’m discussing my thoughts on Glass the third and final movie in the Unbreakable trilogy. There was definitely elements of the movie that I liked and I didn’t quite like. What were some of you favorite moments from the movie? Did this movie meet your expectations? Let me know on Instagram and Twitter!

INSTAGRAM: instagram.com/currentlybinging
TWITTER: twitter.com/currentbinge
SHOW NOTES: inherglam.com/category/currently-binging

Avengers: Infinity War

If you’re like me then you’re probably still reeling from that shocking final sequence in Avengers: Infinity War. The Russo brothers definitely faked us all out with their insistence that this was not a part one of two. So much happened in the final minutes that it’s going to take all of Avengers 4 to undo.&hellip

What were you top shocking moments from Infinity War and what are you looking forward to in Avengers 4?

INSTAGRAM: instagram.com/currentlybinging
TWITTER: twitter.com/currentbinge
SHOW NOTES: inherglam.com/category/currently-binging