Upload (Season 2)

Discussing season 2 of Upload.

Upload (Season 1): https://www.inherglam.com/2020/05/13/netflix-hollywood-half-of-it-upload-season-one/

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TWITTER: twitter.com/currentbinge
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW_-ozDY8vNwS85vnLPqpQA

Netflix’s Hollywood, The Half of It + Upload

This is a fun episode that includes something for everyone! I’m discussing new Netflix show Hollywood and sweet teen romcom-ish The Half of It. I change the whole thing up by diving into new Amazon Prime show Upload.

Hollywood – 2:00
The Half of It – 15:05
Upload – 24:52

INSTAGRAM: instagram.com/currentlybinging
TWITTER: twitter.com/currentbinge
SHOW NOTES: inherglam.com/category/currently-binging